Using the Wrong Measure


Hate Christians?

I want you to know I can completely understand why some people are down on church and on religion.  Don’t get me started on religion!  Religion has kept more people away from God than any sin ever committed.  But churches?  I’m thinking Paul would have a hard time wrapping his mind around the facilities and organizations gathered under the loose appellation of “church” in these times – especially in this country.  Probably most especially in Dallas, Texas.

I can even understand why someone might hate Christians.  There’s a few I’m not too fond of either.  However, before you lump me in with a whole collection of undesirables, let’s investigate the label a little more.

Judging God by His People

If you’re looking at the people around you to figure out God, then you might be looking at the wrong place.  Romans 3:23 says it best.  We’ve all fallen short of the glory of God.  It’s that simple.  Just being a Christian (or claiming to be) doesn’t fix what’s wrong with us humans – at least not in this life.  Becoming a Christian has two parts – the immediate justification and the eventual sanctification.  That sanctification takes a different route and follows a different timetable with every one who accepts Christ as their Savior.  When you’re looking at a Christian, you’re looking at a human being – for all intents and purposes, just like the one who looks back at you in the mirror.  The only difference there may be is if that Christian is really working at their sanctification.

If you feel as if you’ve been judged by a Christian, it might be satisfying for you to know that in judging you, they’ve just judged themselves.  Matthew 7:1-2 is a particular favorite of mine,  “Do not judge so that you will not be judged.  For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.”  Jesus had no patience with this particular human trait.  

Unworthiness is the one thing all true Christians have in common.  They realize they are unworthy of God and the sacrifice of His Son.  Some Christians and so-called Christians are just more unworthy than others.  

Judge Christians By Their God

While trying to measure God by Christians is a bad move, measuring the Christians by the Lord God and His Son Jesus Christ is what God intended.  Christians are given the charge to be perfect and holy – just like the example God has given to them.  (Matthew 5:48 & Deuteronomy 18:13, for instance).  Let me warn you in advance, however, I already know the results of that comparison.  Refer back to Romans 3:23 on the falling short thing.  I certainly haven’t pegged perfection or holiness.

I started this series to discuss why people are leaving the church.  If you left the church because it is full of hypocrites, then you’re right, we’re guilty as charged.  In Roman 7, the Apostle Paul makes a lament all Christians understand, “For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.”

Now, I’d like to know why a Christian failing to do what they intended is so much more awful than other people’s failures.  Do you quit working out at a gym because of people who have let their memberships lapse?  Do you quit your baseball team because someone strikes out?  Do you quit your job because a fellow employee fails to complete an assignment?  All these situations can be disappointing, but if you see yourself as a compassionate human being, then you will probably forgive these folks and go on with your life.

I’m just asking you to give Christians the same slack.  I can tell you there are several “Christians” who have treated me worse than anyone outside the church.  I’m not judging whether they are saved or not, I’m just saying they treated me pretty shabbily.  However that piddly list of injustices is minuscule, microscopic even, when compared to the number of Christians who have loved me, supported me and encouraged me throughout my life.  I didn’t let the the hypocrisy of some stand in the way of enjoying the love of all the others.  If you’ve left the church, disappointed by the behavior of some people attending a church, I invite you to come back and give us another chance.  We’re only human.

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